Marek Masár Приложения

Generic Bluetooth Commands 6.6
Marek Masár
This application allows you to define your owncommands and send them via bluetooth to a paired device. It is upto you how you interpret these commands on the remote device, whichcould be an Arduino board, phone, PC, or any other device withBluetooth module.Commands could be defined in a string format or as an array ofbytes (in hexadecimal format) with some additional options, such asincluding new line at the end of the string or selecting endianmode (ordering of bytes during transmission). Application can alsolisten to incoming transmisions and display incomming messages invarious forms - user can choose between string, hexadecimal ordecimal format.All settings and user defined commands are saved / loaded eachtime application is closed / opened.Application is simple and intuitive, however, here is a shortuser guide:*Connecting to a device*To connect to a device, it must be first paired with your phone.Then simply click Menu -> Connect and select a device.*Creating commands*To create a new command, click on the "empty item" in the list ofcommands. On the following screen choose between hexadecimal orstring format - fill in the associated fields:Command name - for user to identify specific command. If the fieldis left empty, default name is usedValue 0x(hexadecimal) - hexadecimal value (array of bytes) thatrepresent command. Only valid hexadecimal number is accepted(characters 0-9 and A-F, not case-sensitive). Prefix "0x" isalready included.Least significant byte first - check this checkbox to send leastsignificant byte of a command first. Otherwise the most significantbyte will be send first.String - String representing text form of your commandInclude new line character at the end of the string - Ifchecked, new line character ("\n", 0x0A) will be appended at theend of the string*Sending commands*Commands are displayed in a list. You can send it to a connecteddevice by clicking on respective item. Use long click to removeitem from the list.Application is in early stage of development. Please send emailto with issues. Your feedback is greatlyappreciated.
Communication Bridge Pro 7.1
Marek Masár
Communication bridge for Bluetooth / serial devices / TCP / UDPsockets / MQTT
Bluetooth Commander Pro 8.2
Marek Masár
Terminal app for managing Bluetooth communication with multipledevices
Bluetooth TCP Bridge 6.8
Marek Masár
Communication bridge between classic Bluetooth and TCP devices.
Proportion calculator 2.3
Marek Masár
Simple recipes calculator.
Mini Snake 1.0
Marek Masár
Catching a pixel is harder than you think
Beer Counter (with Trophies) 3.3
Marek Masár
Simple Beer Counter to track your beer consumption
Fury Snake 3
Marek Masár
Retro snake game
Bluetooth Splitter Pro 2.4
Marek Masár
Splitter/multiplexer for micro-controllers. Not for audio devices.
Multiscreen Scroller Pro 0.5
Marek Masár
Create wide scroll screen from multiple devices using Bluetooth
X-7E UI/HUD Designer PRO 1.5
Marek Masár
Build an app interface exactly as you need it.
Multiscreen Scroller (Free) 0.5
Marek Masár
Create wide scroll screen from multiple devices using Bluetooth
Remote Dog Clicker 0.8
Marek Masár
Remote dog clicker app for effective distance training
Remote Dog Clicker Pro 0.8
Marek Masár
Remote dog clicker app for effective distance training